Cornouiller du Canada, Quatre-temps
Cornus canadensis
- This plant is easily identified by its white flower with 4 petals. Has 4 to 6 leaves arranged in a rosette around the flower.
Interesting Fact
- Its fruits are edible and are consumed by birds, rodents and humans. It is one of the world’s fastest-opening flower when it expels its pollen (less than half a millisecond. (1) http://espacepourlavie.ca/en/biodome-flora/canadian-bunchberry-bunchberry-dogwood (2) http://macphailwoods.org/nature-guides/wildflowers/bunchberry/ (3) https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20827920-200-botanical-ballistics-natures-fastest-plants/
Interesting Fact